
Strength Training

What is Client Centered Coaching?

Client Centered is meeting the client where they are currently at with regard to their nutritional habits. After a detailed assessment and hearing what the client desires they are shown how practicing small daily actions will move them towards their goals. 

Do you provide meals plans?

Pro Nutrition Coaching does not provide meal plans.

If you need meal plans provided for you you’ll need the support of a Registered Dietician (RD). Currently that is not what PNC offers to its clients. 

How can nutritional coaching help me?

I think its very important to mention that the lack of information isn’t the problem. In fact, its part of the problem. If your on this site then chances you’ve tried a diet or two. Maybe you were even successful. ALL diets work in the short term. What separates diets is if it works long term. Long term means greater than a year perhaps even five to ten years.

Long term habit formaiton.

Part of what keeps people from losing the weight and keeping it off is they go back to the way they are were eating pre-diet. Chances are good that the diet was to restrictive for where you were at. Everyone’s different and so are you. When you hire a nutrition coach and meet with me 😃 we go over and review everything with you. Do you cook? Do you do the grocery shopping? Do you live alone? What does your support system look like? This is a short list of some of the question we go over with clients. We could not fully support clients without this information.